Starring 28 Weeks Later‘s Rose Byrne
The American Film Market kicks off in Santa Monica, California this Wednesday, with it comes an onslaught of genre fare good, bad and everything else in between. We’ve just been informed by the makers of Just Buried – starring Jay Baruchel (Knocked Up)and Rose Byrne (28 Weeks Later) – that they’ve set up three screenings that are open to Shock’s Los Angeles-based readers. All presentations will be held at the Laemmle Monica 4-Plex (1332 2nd St.), here are the dates and times…
Laemmle Monica 3
Friday November 2nd
Laemmle Monica 1
Saturday November 3rd
Laemmle Monica 1
RSVP to [email protected] if you’d like to attend! For more details on the film, click on the link above!
Keep your eyes fixed on this spot for more news out of AFM.
Source: Trilogy Entertainment