Will actor face horrors of McCarthy novel?

Producers of John Hillcoat’s The Road are reportedly attempting to woo actor Viggo Mortensen (the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III) to star. The actor, who has David Cronenberg’s violent drama Eastern Promises opening today in limited release, already has his future pretty much laid out for him, however.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Mortensen will join Ed Harris in Appaloosa next. But that’s not deterring The Road‘s producers from generating early talks before they seek distribution.
They’d like to land Mortensen in the role of the film’s father who, with his son, traverse a post-apocalyptic America facing wackos and cannibals. “Road” is based on the novel Cormac McCarthy and was made wildly popular thanks to the good word of Oprah (thanks, Oprah). Joe Penhall is adapting.
Hillcoat also directed The Proposition. We’ll let you know if Mortensen’s involvement firms up.

Source: Ryan Rotten, EW