Murder Party first to be released

Magnolia Pictures, distributor behind this year’s Severance and The Host, gave birth to a new division recently: Magnet Releasing. This offshoot’s mandate will be to focus on “wild, unquantifiable and uncompromised” cinema.
First on its slate is Murder Party, Jeremy Saulnier’s horror-comedy about a sicko plot to kill someone for art…disguised as a Halloween party. Magnet intends to release “Party” on DVD October 16th.
“Some of the best, most imaginative, wild and forward-thinking cinema in the world today is being done in the context of genre filmmaking. The Magnet label will consolidate our track record with these rule-breaking films into a strong, identifiable brand,” says Magnolia President Eamonn Bowles in a press release.
Other titles on Magnet’s slate include: Big Man in Japan, Severed Ways (a “heavy metal Viking epic” – ?!), Triangle and Not Quite Hollywood.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Magnet Releasing