Landing in the UK on Oct. 22nd
Update: We’ve been provided with the actual DVD package art – see below. As it turns out, the “black” key art is for the slipcover.
In addition to the previously listed details, producer Michael Felsher stated, via his blog, the disc will also include…
“A Widescreen transfer of the film that is brand-new, having been downconverted from a new HD master that was completed last year.
An all-new 5.1 Surround Sound track in addition to the original stereo mix.
An audio commentary track with George Romero and Tom Savini, with myself as moderator. We recorded it in George’s living room and it was a very loose and entertaining affair. One funny thing…we tried to point out all the times that the “Father’s Day” ashtray appears in the film, but we kept missing it. Provoked multiple discussions.
Just Desserts: The Making of Creepshow, which is a seven part 90 minute documentary that goes into virtually all aspects of the film’s production and release. Included in the documentary are rare behind-the-scenes photos, footage, and a couple of bloopers for good measure. I am very anxious to hear what people think of this doc. It was a long journey to get this one done, but I feel it was worth it.
Deleted Scenes, of which there were around 12-15 minutes worth. Not the greatest quality, but they are broken down by episode and are pretty entertaining
Tom Savini’s Behind-The Scenes Footage. Although I used a lot of it in the documentary, I also compiled almost a half-hours worth of his video footage into this highlight reel which is presented separately. It, like the deleted scenes, is broken down by episode.
Theatrical Trailer.
Still Galleries”
Generally, I always hear, “You guys get all of the cool stuff in the States,” whenever it comes to toys or events or signings…whatever.
DVDs? Those across the pond in the UK shouldn’t be complaining. They get the box sets with swank packaging (viva la “Phantasm” sphere DVD set!), now they get a 2-disc 25th anniversary edition of George A. Romero’s Creepshow. The set hits stores in the UK on October 22nd and Universal Pictures was kind enough to shoot us a look at the slipcase packaging art.
The exhaustive seven-part documentary included in the presentation, and produced by Michael Felsher, is broken down like this…
Chapter One: An “E.C.” Way To Start
From the origins of the classic “E.C.” comics to the creation of the film’s screenplay, this chapter delves in the historic meeting of George Romero and Stephen King and how Creepshow came to be.
Chapter Two: A Comic Book World
A look into the production, design, cinematography, and on-set challenges in creating the comic-ally dynamic visuals of the film.
Chapter Three: Acting Scared
Candid interviews with many of the actors, including Adrienne Barbeau and Ed Harris, and how they created their outrageous characters.
Chapter Four: Creature Features
An in-depth look at the ghoulish creations of special make-up effects and creature creator Tom Savini.
Chapter Five: Creepy Crawlies
The cast & crew sound off on the difficulties of wrangling over 10,000 cockroaches in the film’s final segment.
Chapter Six: Anthology Unleashed
Follow the film through post-production, including the creation of the memorable score, and see how it became a theatrical and critical success.
Chapter Seven: 25 Years Later…
The cast and crew look back on the film’s enduring popularity and their memories of making it.

Source: Ryan Rotten