Margot Kidder stars as crazed mother

Filming begins next week in Canada on The Box Collector for the Belgian-based Corsan.
UK director John Daly (producer of Platoon) is behind the camera with Guy Lee Thys scripting. Leading the cast is Margot Kidder (The Amityville Horror, Sisters) as an overpowering mother who cracks when she sees her son, Harry, falling for a newly-divorced young woman. Harry, meanwhile, is attempting to recapture memories of his father’s violent death. The title refers to his penchant for collecting and drawing boxes. Is there a double-meaning lying in wait here? Hmm.
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever‘s Noah Segan and Michael Bowen co-star, as does Lyne Renee and Victor Low. Bowen recently wrapped work on Adam Gierasch’s Autopsy.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Variety