Corpses for sale!
AICN has a pair of peeks at Glenn McQuaid’s I Sell the Dead. AICN is calling it a horror-comedy. The IMDB’s plot synopsis says the film is about “a grave robber [who] reflects on his life of crime.” Between Gris Grimly’s Cannibal Flesh Riot! and this, are grave robbers all the rage now?
Dominic Monaghan (“Lost”) and Larry Fessenden (The Last Winter) are the two exhumers. Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Angus Scrimm co-star. McQuaid, who wrote and directed “Dead,” served as a visual effects supervisor on Fessenden productions The Roost, the aforementioned “Winter” and Trigger Man.
You can find another still at the AICN link above.

Source: Ryan Rotten, AICN