Meat Writer Checks in to Insanitarium

“Very bloody, very graphic horror film”

Midnight Meat Train writer Jeff Buhler is stepping out from behind his computer to direct his first feature entitled Insanitarium. According to B-D, the pic is set up at Sony’s Screen Gems and is “a small, very contained, very bloody, very graphic horror film,” Buhler tells the site. “Essentially, it’s about a guy that commits himself to an insane asylum to save his sister, and realizes that the doctor is giving people this new drug…that turns them into cannibalistic psychotic freaks.” This is a swift start for Buhler who only landed on the genre scene a short while ago with his adaptation of Clive Barker’s “Train.” He’s hoping to begin production on Insanitarium this summer.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Bloody-Disgusting

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