A trailer for Red Notice 2 has surfaced online, sparking excitement among fans for Dwayne Johnson‘s return. The original Netflix film Red Notice follows an Interpol agent on a mission to catch a notorious art thief. However, as this new trailer suggests that Red Notice 2 will be released in 2025, many are questioning the trailer’s authenticity.
Here’s everything that fans need to know about the new Red Notice 2 trailer that’s online.
Is the Red Notice 2 trailer real or fake?
The new trailer for Red Notice 2 featuring Dwayne Johnson is fake.
On Sunday, January 26, 2025, KH Studio, a YouTube channel recognized for its creative fan trailers, unveiled an intriguing fake trailer for a sequel to Red Notice, showcasing Dwayne Johnson alongside Gal Gadot. Since its release, the trailer has attracted more than 573,518 views and has accumulated 2,000 likes.
Check out the trailer below:
The trailer uses a mix of AI-generated visuals and voice snippets to show Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds all returning for an exciting new narrative set in the world of the original film. The fake trailer promises to elevate the excitement with even more breathtaking heists and adrenaline-pumping action. It incorporates clips from Dwayne’s earlier films, such as Skyscraper, as well as the original Red Notice. Various scenes from Gal Gadot’s past projects are also used to create the fake trailer.
Will Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds appear in Red Notice 2 in 2025?
The sequel to Red Notice 2 will reportedly include Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds. However, an official release date for the sequel has not yet been announced, as the movie is still in the production phase.
In a 2022 interview with Collider, producer Beau Flynn discussed his intentions for the production of Red Notice 2, indicating plans for back-to-back filming with another sequel, where he said, “Well, we have a Red Notice 2 script and almost [Red Notice] 3. The plan is hopefully if Hiram and I have our way that we will make those movies back to back. But it’s going to be all about the scripts and how we feel and how Dwayne, Gal, and Ryan feel about them. But that franchise is a blast and obviously, Netflix really wants it, and Rawson [Marshall Thurber, director and screenwriter] is committed.”