Paradise Episodes 2 and 3 premiered on Hulu and Disney+ on January 28. While the series predominantly revolves around Sterling K. Brown’s Agent Xavier Collins, each episode focuses on different supporting characters. The series premiere sheds light on James Marsden’s President Cal Bradford, whereas Episode 2 is about Julianne Nicholson’s Samantha Redmond, and Episode 3 concentrates on Sarah Shahi’s Dr. Gabriela Torabi, who discloses important information to Xavier just before the credits start rolling. Here’s a recap with spoilers about the ending of Paradise Episode 3.
What happens at the end of Paradise Episode 3?
Episode 3, titled “The Architect of Social Well-Being,” is about Dr. Gabriela Torabi, a therapist who designed the psychological aspect of life in Paradise City. Toward the end of the episode, she reveals to Xavier that her real job was to select the people who got to survive the apocalyptic event.
Elsewhere, Jon Beavers’ Agent Billy Pace and Nicole Brydon Bloom’s Agent Jane Driscoll are interrogated about why they turned off the security system multiple times. They claim they did so to try out things that the President owned, including his video games. Their excuse effectively is that they were bored protecting the President inside a bunker and thought nothing could happen to the man.
What message did Cal leave behind for Xavier?
In the final moments of the episode, Gabriela and Xavier become sexually intimate in the bathroom, away from the voyeuristic cameras placed all over the artificial town. Gabriela reveals to Xavier that Cal left a message for him and that Cal told her that if something happened to him, she should find Xavier and tell him that Billy was dangerous.
Xavier seems to trust Billy almost unquestionably. Given the title of the next episode, “Agent Billy Page,” it’s safe to presume that it will focus on the character and reveal key details about him.