Henry Danger has garnered significant interest. Based on the television series of the same name, it follows the adventures of Henry Hart, who works as a sidekick to a superhero. At the same time, Henry must keep his superhero activities hidden from his family and friends. Following the release of the film, fans are eager to learn if there will be a Henry Danger 2 release date.
Here’s all the Henry Danger 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Henry Danger 2 release date?
As of now, the Henry Danger 2 release date has not been revealed but it will likely be announced in the future.
However, fans are hopeful regarding the sequel of the film. Henry Danger has mostly received mostly received positive reviews. It ended up scoring 140,000 viewers on the premiere day and 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. The film also hinted at Captain Man and Henry going on another journey together.
Additionally, director Joe Menendez teased something interesting in an interview with The Five Count. He shared, ”After this I’m going over to a show called ‘Elsbeth’ on CBS. I’m going to do that, and then (I’ll be) developing something that will be after that that we’ll hopefully be announcing shortly.”
While fans believe it to be the sequel to Henry Danger, they must wait for an official confirmation from the makers.
This detail is based on the information we have at the time of this writing. ComingSoon will provide an update after more details on Henry Danger 2 are revealed.
Where is Henry Danger 2 coming out?
Henry Danger 2 could come out on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus.
This is because the first part was released on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus simultaneously. So, a similar pattern is expected for the sequel.