Bad Monkey has been garnering viewers’ interest. The dark comedy-drama series chronicles the life of a former police officer named Andrew Yancy, who now works as a restaurant inspector in South Florida. He gets another chance to prove himself as a cop by investigating a murder case. This leads him to numerous eccentric characters, including a bad monkey. Ever since the show concluded, fans have been curious to find out whether there’s a Bad Monkey Season 2 release date.
Here’s all the Bad Monkey Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Bad Monkey Season 2 release date?
Bad Monkey Season 2 will happen, but the release date has not yet been announced.
Apple TV Plus recently renewed the show for a second season. However, it will reportedly not be based on the novel’s sequel titled “Razor Girl.” Showrunner Bill Lawrence opened up on the series, stating, To get to go on telling his story with Vince Vaughn and this great cast, at least the characters who are still alive, is very exciting.” He further added, I’m very thankful to our partners at Apple TV+ and Warner Bros, as well as the entire team that helps bring this show to life” (via Apple TV+ Press).
Fans need to wait for an official update from the makers regarding the Bad Monkey Season 2’s official release date.
Where is Bad Monkey Season 2 coming out?
Bad Monkey Season 2 will come out on Apple TV Plus.
The first season was released on Apple TV Plus, so Season 2 will also drop on the same platform.
The star cast of the series features Vince Vaughn, L. Scott Caldwell, Meredith Hagner, Natalie Martinez, and many others in key roles.