General Hospital has been captivating viewers with its latest episodes. The recent installment was a rollercoaster of emotions, featuring thrilling confrontations and intense personal vendettas. Amidst all the drama, fans are worried about the fate of a beloved character: Sasha Gilmore, portrayed by Sofia Mattsson. So, is Sasha exiting General Hospital?
Here are the latest General Hospital Spoilers to explain the character’s storyline and future.
Sasha Corbin’s latest exit scare on General Hospital explained
The character is going through a challenging time in the soap opera. In recent episodes, Sasha made a shocking revelation that left viewers stunned. She confirmed that the father of her unborn child is Michael Corinthos. As she shares the news of her pregnancy with Michael, Sasha also expresses her desire to leave town in search of peace, away from the endless schemes and troubles.
As fans are aware, Sasha has faced numerous troubles right from her introduction. She pretended to be Nina’s daughter initially but the lie eventually suffocated her due to her growing fondness for the woman. Further, she also fell victim to Ava Jerome’s manipulation and was affected by Kiki Jerome’s death. Sasha was also kidnapped by Jenz who wanted to blackmail her mother but she ended up escaping on time. In recent months, Sasha also lost her Liam with his life support being taken off.
After facing so many problems, Sasha’s concern for her life and her unborn baby is justified. She would want to raise her kid away from the constant troubles in Port Charles. As a result, fans believe that Mattsson’s character might come to an end soon. Additionally, fans feel Michael might reunite with Sasha and leave the town as he is going through a rough patch in his relationship with Willow who cheated on him.
While there are endless possibilities, neither Mattson nor the makers have acknowledged the former’s exit from the show. As per The Direct, Mattsson has signed a new contract with the series making her exit unlikely. Nevertheless, fans need to wait for General Hospital’s upcoming episodes to find out Sasha’s fate.