Survivor Season 47 has dropped its finale episode. The reality show focuses on contestants battling for survival in an isolated location and engaging in numerous physical challenges. Following the part 2 finale, fans are curious to find out if there are more episodes lined up. So, is there Survivor Season 47 finale part 3 episode 15 or has it ended?
Here is everything you need to know about the current status of the popular reality TV show.
Is there a Survivor Season 47 Episode 15 releasing as the finale Part 3?
There is no Survivor Season 47 Episode 15 releasing as the finale Part 3.
Season 47 featured a total of 14 episodes with the finale divided into two parts. All the episodes have released and there will be no more additional episodes.
Is Survivor Season 47 over?
Yes, Survivor Season 47 is over.
For the unaware, Survivor is known for its three-part finale. However, this time they wrapped up the show in a two-part finale and announced the winner. The grand finale of Season 47 proved to be a thrilling showdown.
The remaining contestants were Rachel LaMont, Teeny Chirichillo, Sue Smey, and Sam Phalen. Further, the showdown began with LaMont winning her fourth indiviual immunity to secure her place in top 3. Later, she told Phalen and Chirichillo in the camp to make fire as LaMont plans to take Smey to top 3.
Phalen was struggling to make fire but managed to bounce back in the game, thanks to the motivation from his father’s letter. Later, the fire-making challenge with Chirichillo managed to take a big lead. Phalen turned the game around and made it to the top 3 along with Smey and LaMont.
Further, the decision was in the hands of the jury and ultimately, LaMont was crowned as the winner, walking away with the $1 million prize money. Phalen and and Smey took the second and third places respectively while Chirichillo finshed at the fourth spot.
While Survivor Season 47 has ended, fans can catch the next season premiering on February 26, 2025 (via Parade).