Wizards Beyond Waverly Place has finally dropped. The comedy-drama series is a sequel to the 2007 iconic show Wizards of Waverly Place. While the initial episodes proved to be an entertaining saga, fans are curious about the absence of the popular original Waverly Place character Harper Finkle, played by Jennifer Stone. So, why is Harper absent, and will she return to Wizards Beyond Waverly Place?
Here is everything you need to know about the character’s absence and potential return in the reboot series.
Why is Jennifer Stone’s Harper Finkle absent from Wizards Beyond Waverly Place?
Jennifer Stone’s Harper Finkle is absent from the series due to the limited role of Selena Gomez’s Alex Russo, whom Harper was primarily associated with in the original series.
Wizards of Waverly Place revolves around the character of teenage witch Alex Russo played by Selena Gomez. One of the key aspects of the series was Alex’s friendship with a human named Harper Finkle. However, the 2024 reboot series reduced Alex Russo to a guest appearance. Now that Harper’s main connection, Alex, has a limited role, her absence in the new series seems justified.
Notably, ahead of the reboot’s announcement, Stone had expressed her intention to reprise her iconic role. She stated, “The thing is, yes, of course, we want to do it. It would be silly not to do some kind of reboot thing, and as far as I know, Selena wants to do it. All of the main cast, from my understanding, for the most part, wants to do a reunion.” (via The Direct)
Will Jennifer Stone’s Harper Finkle return in Wizards Beyond Waverly Place?
At the time of writing, Jennifer Stone’s return as Harper Finkle in the reboot is not confirmed.
The makers have brought a similar character to Harper in the show named Winter, who is also a mortal buddy to the new wizard Billie, which makes her return probably unlikely. But still, the possibility can’t be completely ruled out. So, even if Harper returns it might be a cameo appearance or a guest role like the original actors, Gomez, David DeLuise, and others.