The Umbrella Academy S04: What Are Allison's Powers? How Do They Work?
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The Umbrella Academy S04: What Are Allison’s Powers? How Do They Work?

Due to Allison Hargreeves‘ major role in The Umbrella Academy, fans are no doubt curious about her powers. Moreover, fans want to know how Allison’s “rumor” power works and what it is capable of. The curiosity has only grown after both The Umbrella Academy Season 3 and Season 4 gave significant boosts to her powers. The additional upgrades Allison got to skillset ended up making her a pretty dangerous threat and a force to be reckoned with.

Here is a breakdown of Allison Hargreeves’ powers and capabilities in The Umbrella Academy.

What are Allison’s powers in The Umbrella Academy Season 4?

Allison possesses the powers of mind control, suggestion, and reality warping in The Umbrella Academy Season 4.

In the initial seasons of The Umbrella Academy, Allison only possessed mind control and suggestion. She initially required the use of the phrase “I heard a rumor…” in order to get her intended target to do something she wanted. However, in Season 3, Allison got a major upgrade. This was after she was hit by a blast generated by Harlan Cooper, when Viktor Hargreeves tried to remove his powers.

This upgrade ensured Allison no longer needed to start her phrase with “I heard a rumor…” She could simply influence her intended targets to do what she wanted by simply commanding them. Following her power upgrade, Allison’s eyes glow gold when she is using her power.

Allison got another major upgrade in The Umbrella Academy Season 4. This ensured she did not even need to open her mouth to mind control her targets. Instead, Allison could simply just look at them and use her mind to control them. She also got the ability to influence reality by breaking down closed doors or hurling people across the room.

Furthermore, Allison could hurt people using just her mind. Her newest upgrade brings her closer to her comic-book counterpart, who is much more powerful and capable of bending reality to her will.

How do Allison’s powers work in The Umbrella Academy?

The mechanics behind Allison’s powers receive significant upgrades over the course of The Umbrella Academy’s four seasons.

Allison requires her target to be in close proximity to her in order for her powers to work. Originally, she had to utter the phrase “I heard a rumor…” while close to her target, in order for it to work. Due to this, there was an easy way for enemies to avoid being hit by Allison’s powers. All enemies had to do was cut her off as she said those the words and silence her.

Allison is unable to use her rumor powers on herself. However, she is not invulnerable to another person copying and using her powers. Allison’s susceptibility was shown when Lila copied her powers in Season 2 and used it on her to make her stop breathing. However, after being exposed to Harlan Cooper’s blast, she no longer required the phrase.

Following this, Allison could simply control her intended targets into doing what she wanted by simply speaking to them. Later, after regaining her powers in The Umbrella Academy Season 4 by taking the marigold, she got another upgrade. Now, Allison no longer needed to speak to get her powers to work and could simply influence her targets by just using her mind.

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