Dark Matter is a 2024 sci-fi fantasy-drama series, created by Blake Crouch. As a very exciting and dramatic first season comes to an end with unanswered questions, fans are eager to know if thereâs a possibility of more installments in the show.
So, letâs find out whether there is a release date for the second season of Dark Matter.
Is there a Dark Matter Season 2 release date?
Dark Matter Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it may likely be announced in the future.
While the producers of the show have not yet put out a confirmation about season 2, the showâs plot has a lot of potential for further exploration. Even the lead actor Joel Edgerton, while speaking to Decider, mentioned the castâs enthusiasm about working on a second season. However, it will only be possible after a green signal from Apple TV Plus. Even though the show has done pretty well, streaming services usually take a look at the viewership numbers before going ahead with such projects.
Season 2 could potentially explore the multiverses introduced in season 1 and also showcase the effects of multiple versions of Jason being present in the same universe. Alternatively, it could branch out on focusing on the story of other characters like Amanda and Ryan.
Where is Dark Matter Season 2 coming out?
Dark Matter Season 2 could come out on Apple TV Plus.
This is because the first season of the show came out on Apple TV Plus, and so if the series gets renewed for another season, it will most likely air on the same platform. While it is possible for Apple to sell the rights to another streaming service, it is highly unlikely to occur.