House of the Dragon
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House of the Dragon Season 2: Is Alys Rivers A Witch With Magical Powers?

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 3, titled The Burning Hill, introduces an important supporting character: Alys Rivers, and the viewers want to know if she is a witch with magical powers. George R. R. Martin wrote the show’s source material, Fire & Blood, from the perspective of Archmaester Gyldayn, who uses the accounts of several figures from the Westeros’ past to chronicle the history of House Targaryen. As a result, there are often conflicting accounts of the same events and individuals, including about Alys Rivers.

Here is what we know about Alys Rivers and whether she has the powers and abilities of a witch.

Who is Alys Rivers in House of the Dragon?

In episode 5, Daemon arrives at Harrenhal and has a dream. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the castle’s ruinous godswood. He spots Alys, whom he saw earlier in the castle. The woman tells him that he will die here, leaving the prince visibly unsettled.

In the book Fire & Blood, Gyldayn writes about the Dance of the Dragons predominantly from the accounts of Grand Maester Munkun, Septon Eustace, and Court Jester Mushroom. The first two claim that Alys was a wet nurse and Lord Lyonel Strong’s daughter born out of wedlock and was at least 40 years old at the time of the Dance. However, according to Mushroom, she was much older and was the wet nurse of both Harwin and Larys and possibly even their father. All three accounts agree that she looked much younger than how old she actually was. Later, she became the paramour (allegedly wife) of Aemond Targaryen.

What are Alys Rivers’ witch powers and abilities?

The accounts of Munkun, Eustace, and Musroom also disagree on what powers and abilities Alys had. Munkun dubs her a “serving wench who dabbled in potions and spells.” Eustance calls her a wood witch. As for Mushroom, he states that Alys was a “malign enchantress” who took baths in “blood of virgins” to maintain her youth.

As they have done with all the previous conflicting accounts from the book, the writers of House of the Dragon will likely select one description and stick to it to develop Alys’ story. In the show, Alys seems to have the power of divination or prophecy, given what she tells Daemon. It’s an ability she also purportedly has in the book. We have to wait and see whether the show lets Alys have the other abilities she supposedly has in the book. This includes, as mentioned above, appearing youthful despite being much older.

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