Miss Night and Day actors Jung Eun-Ji, Choi Jin-Hyuk and Lee Jung-Eun
Miss Night and Day actors Jung Eun-Ji, Choi Jin-Hyuk and Lee Jung-Eun (Photo Credit: JTBC)

Miss Night and Day Episode 4 Recap & Spoilers

Miss Night and Day episode 4 aired on Sunday, June 23, 2024, on JTBC and Netflix. Starring Jung Eun-Ji, Choi Jin-Hyuk, and Lee Jung-Eun, the K-drama focuses on a young woman’s daily struggle as she turns 50 in the day and transforms back to her 20s at night.

In the previous episode, Lee Mi-Jin (Jung Eun-Ji) came face-to-face with a killer. Prosecutor Gye Ji-Ung (Choi Jin-Hyuk) became protective of her, teasing romance in upcoming episodes. Meanwhile, her 50s version, Im Sun (Lee Jung-Eun), got hired as Ji-Ung’s office clerk. The episode ended with the prosecutor being disappointed with a middle-aged woman as his colleague.

Miss Night and Day episode 4 begins with Ji-Ung’s junior colleague, Byeong-Deok, advising him on ways to make Im Sun quit. Does the plan work? Let’s find out.

Miss Night and Day Episode 4 recap: Did Choi Jin-Hyuk’s plan make Lee Jung-Eun quit?

In Miss Night and Day episode 4, Ji-Ung throws impossible situations at Im Sun, assuming she will quit the job. However, he doesn’t know that Im Sun’s young version, Mi-Jin, has years of experience in multiple part-time jobs. She has various skills that enable her to perform difficult tasks efficiently. Her first task involves typewriting a huge bundle of documents. In the past, Mi-Jin has gained experience in fast typewriting while posting comments on Instagram posts.

Later, Ji-Ung asks her to sort a big box of bills and receipts on an Excel sheet. She lets her boss know that she has programming skills during this task. While she is outstanding at her job, one thing that worries her is the time. Somehow, Im Sun has to leave the office at 7:00 p.m. because she turns into Mi-Jin at that time. After she successfully completes all the difficult tasks, Ji-Ung eventually stops bothering her. Hence, his plan to make her quit fails.

Meanwhile, top star Ko Won (Baek Seo-Hoo) spots Im Sun riding her bicycle home in the evening. He tries to call her name, but she doesn’t listen. He is surprised when he sees a young woman cycling after a while. Later, he re-watches the footage from his dashcam and gets confused about how he mistook a young woman for Im Sun. Miss Night and Day episode 4 further shows Ji-Ung investigating a killer’s case and fears for Mi-Jin’s safety.

When the two meet, he notices she has the same bag as Im Sun. At that moment, he ignores it and mentions that she is a witness to the case. The prosecutor secretly activates a GPS track connecting his phone to hers. While Mi-Jin becomes happy with their bond, she has no idea that her secret may be exposed because of the tracker.

What happens in Miss Night and Day episode 4’s ending?

Towards the end of Miss Night and Day episode 4, Ji-Ung and Byeong-Deok discuss a drug investigation case. Im Sun requests that they include her, but they initially deny the offer. After a while, Im Sun’s solution to enter a club in disguise allows her to join the investigation.

At the club, she turns into Mi-Jin and hence gets the entry. Meanwhile, Ji-Ung is waiting for her in his car. She draws attention to the dance floor and is soon guided to a private room. When Ji-Ung fails to contact her for a long time, he decides to go in. He searches all the rooms while beating up the bodyguards. 

The episode ends with Mi-Jin getting into trouble with a VIP guest, as he suspects she must be recording. The commotion in the room grabs Ji-Ung’s attention. Will the prosecutor arrive at the right time to save Mi-Jin? Will her secret be exposed? Viewers will find out in the upcoming episode.

Miss Night and Day K-drama airs twice a week on Saturday and Sunday on JTBC and Netflix.

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