The Boys Season 4: Does A-Train Die?
Image Credit: Amazon Studios

The Boys S04E04: Does A-Train Die?

In The Boys Season 4, A-Train is at a high risk of death. So far, he’s kept his conscience in check, but he makes a move in S04E04, which is a death sentence if Homelander finds out. So, will he be one of the major characters to die this season? Read below to find out.

Does A-Train die in The Boys Season 4?

As of the end of The Boys Season 4, Episode 4, A-Train is still alive.

At the moment of writing, Amazon has released four episodes of The Boys Season 4 and A-Train makes it past all of them. He has faced death scares in the past while going up against Starlight and temporarily losing his ability to run. However, Season 4 has put him in a high-risk situation.

He is currently alive and a part of the Seven. But, his guilt for all the murders and wrong-doings throughout his life is finally catching up to him. As a result, he has decided to help The Boys. He started that by providing evidence to Hughie and Annie, which proved the innocence of two Starlighters. His video leak allowed the innocent men to go free, proving that they didn’t kill the three Hometeamers in Episode 2.

In Episode 3, MM fully convinced him to do some good by becoming an informant for The Boys. His intel allowed them to find out about Homelander’s plan. Furthermore, he even saved Hughie from Homelander’s wrath after that.

It’s in Episode 4 that A-Train finally makes a move that could seal his death. In exchange for Hughie’s forgiveness, he agrees to obtain a vial of Compound V from Homelander’s bedroom. If Homelander finds out he did this, he’ll likely be killed on the spot.

Going up against Homelander and Vought certainly puts a huge target on A-Train’s back this season. If, or rather when, Homelander finds out that Reggie is helping The Boys, nothing will stop him from immediately taking down the speedster.

Whether A-Train survives Season 4 remains to be seen. But, his potential to die in Season 4 is as high as someone like Billy Butcher. After all, Homelander could catch up to A-Train anywhere on the planet and find a million brutal ways to end him, despite his speed.

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