The spoilers for Chapter 1116 of One Piece are now available. Vegapunk continues talking about the Void Century and the Ancient Weapons. Here is a guide on the One Piece Chapter 1116 spoilers and manga plot leaks.

List of One Piece Chapter 1116 spoilers
The chapter shows more of the people’s reactions to Vegapunk talking about the war. They are wondering how the war is going to continue if the people in it have not been alive for over 800 years. Meanwhile, Imu looks at a painting of a woman who resembles Vivi.
There are also reactions from people in Alabasta about Vivi’s poster. Vegapunk then says someone stole a part of the Mother Flame from him, using it to fuel one of the Ancient Weapons. He says an Ancient Weapon activated with the Mother Flame was used to destroy the Lulusia Kingdom. He apologizes for bringing Ancient Weapons back and says he doesn’t know who used it. However, he’s sure the world is in danger of flooding again.
There are reactions about Lulusia since it wasn’t on the news. The Marines are stressed. Meanwhile, Edison and Stussy are talking. He apologizes to Stussy for commanding her to betray Cipher Pol. York is surprised after finding out that Stussy knew about the stealing of the Mother Flame. She also realizes Vegapunk kept the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) in the Ancient Robot and contacts the Gorosei (Five Elders).
Vegapunk continues by saying Joy Boy wanted to pass the Ancient Weapons to later generations. He doesn’t understand why Joy Boy wanted to do that. There are a lot of mysteries surrounding the Void Century and there’s one group who discovered all of these mysteries but they didn’t make a move or act upon it. This was Roger and his crew.
Meanwhile, at Shakky’s bar in Sabaody, Rayleigh is drunk. He’s saying he’s now an old man and old people like Vegapunk shouldn’t be ruining young people’s excitement.
The spoilers reveal that the series will be on break next week.
One Piece Chapter 1116 will be available in the United States on Sunday, June 2, at 11 a.m. ET/10 a.m. CT/8 a.m. PT.
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(Source: Kirosh2 on Reddit)