For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign
Credits: Amazon Prime Video

For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign is a heartwarming documentary directed by Christopher Burke. The film follows Brian Wallach and his wife, Sandra, as they navigate the challenges of life after the former is diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) at the age of 37.

Here’s how you can watch and stream For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.

Is For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign available to watch via streaming?

Yes, For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

The Wallach family’s life is upended after Brian is diagnosed with ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, specifically the motor neurons that control voluntary muscle movement. With little to no hope from the broken healthcare system, Brian and Sandra decide to build their own path. The documentary highlights the challenges that Brian and Sandra face in their fight against the disease.

For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign features the appearances of Sandra Abrevaya, Jinsy A. Andrews, Ken Calvert, Priscilla Chan, Aiden Cimbura, and more.

Watch For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign streaming via Amazon Prime Video

For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Prime Video subscription plan allows viewers to stream popular television shows and movies such as The Christmas Cabin, The Pit and the Pendulum, Affairs of State, The Burial Society, and more.

You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:

  1. Go to Amazon Prime Video
  2. Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
  3. Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
    • $14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership
    • $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership

Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.

The synopsis of For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign is as follows:

“Brian Wallach was diagnosed with ALS at 37. He and his wife’s fight to reclaim their future from a brutal disease has snowballed into a movement with resounding ramifications not only for the ALS community, but for millions of patients seeking to find their voice in our broken healthcare system.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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