Wondering where to watch Conjurer online? We have all the streaming details right here. Conjurer is a mystery horror film that follows the story of a young couple who are dealing with the death of their only child. In order to grieve alone, they go on a staycation trip to an isolated shack.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Conjurer via streaming services such as Peacock.
Is Conjurer available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Conjurer is available to watch via streaming on Peacock.
The film follows two characters: Shawn, a professional photographer, and his wife, Helen. They have both just lost their only child and are grieving. In order to be a bit more isolated, they decide to stay in a cabin for the time being. However, as they spend more time at the shack, they start to notice strange occurrences. It turns out the place is haunted by an evil witch.
The film features Andrew Bowen, Maxine Bahns, John Schneider, Tom Nowicki, and Brett Rice.
Watch Conjurer streaming via Peacock
Conjurer is available to watch on Peacock. Peacock is an online video-on-demand streaming service that features millions of movies, TV series, and documentaries to watch. It consists of premium services that allow users to enjoy the streaming experience in higher quality.
Conjurer’s synopsis is as follows:
“After moving to the country to start life anew after their child’s death, photographer Shawn Burnett and his wife, Helen, begin to suspect that a ramshackle cabin on their property is haunted by the malevolent spirit of a long-dead witch who once lived there.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.