Bridgerton Season 3 Lord Lady Kent Explained Who Mondrich
(Image Credit: Netflix)

Bridgerton Season 3: Lord & Lady Kent Explained

In Bridgerton Season 3, both Lord Kent and Lady Kent are introduced as figures and titles that involve the Mondrich family. Several scenes in this popular Netflix series reveal how the death of Lady Kent impacts former boxer and gentlemen’s bar owner Will Mondrich (Martins Imhangbe), his wife Alice Mondrich (Emma Naomi), and their three children. Their rapid ascension as new members of the ton is glossed over quite quickly throughout the first part of season three, so it can be confusing to piece together how their rise in social standing works. Here’s a breakdown of who Lady Kent is and how this relates to the emergence of a new Lord Kent in Bridgerton.

Who are Lord & Lady Kent in Bridgerton Season 3?

As revealed in Bridgerton Season 3, Lady Kent is the great aunt of Alice Mondrich. Her passing leads to her estate and title being inherited by Alice and Will’s eldest son, Nicholas Mondrich, as Lord Kent.

As briefly explained by Walter Dundas, Esq., in the first episode of Bridgerton Season 3, Lady Kent bequeathed her estate to Alice’s son, following the Regency Era rules of succession as governed by primogeniture. Though Lady Kent had cousins who were more closely related to her than Alice was, she and Will had the only living male heir. So despite Alice describing Lady Kent as “very cold,” her family received the windfall. It is revealed later in the episode that Dundas works for the Crown to ensure that the rules of succession are maintained among the great families of the ton, so the Mondrichs’ stroke of luck is indeed official.

This leads to the Mondrich family riding a carriage to the Kent estate, where the staff greet the young Nicholas Mondrich as the new Lord Kent or, more precisely, the Baron of Kent. Will and Alice don’t gain the benefit of a new title, which is the reason they are addressed as Mr. and Mrs. Mondrich at social functions during the season. Still, the couple is able to live at the expansive Kent estate, which has 27 rooms in total, and Alice effectively inherits all of Lady Kent’s wardrobe and jewelry.

Other than that, we don’t know much about Lady Kent except that she is old-fashioned. The modiste Genevieve Delacroix tells Alice in the second episode that she tried for many years to convince Lady Kent to wear dresses that were more modern. While Alice chooses to stay conservative with her gowns at first so as not to ruffle the feathers of the ton, she thankfully changes her mind later in the season.

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