The Warning (2018) is a mystery thriller movie directed by Daniel Calparsoro. It is a movie based on a novel by Paul Pen. The story follows a ten-year-old boy, Nico, who is continuously bullied at school. He stumbles upon an ominous note in a magazine with a warning one day. This changes his life forever.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Warning (2018) via streaming services such as Netflix.
Is The Warning (2018) available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Warning (2018) is available to watch via streaming on Netflix.
Nico is bullied at school. One day his bullies tell him to shoplift an adult magazine but Nico ends up getting caught. The shopkeeper does not tell his mother and he exchanges it for a video game magazine. However, he finds a warning inside the magazine to never return to the shop on his birthday. His mother thinks it’s a prank his bullies at school have been playing but the situation is way worse actually.
The cast includes Raúl Arévalo as Jon, Aura Garrido as Lucía m, Hugo Arbues as Nico, Belén Cuesta as Andrea, and Antonio Dechent as Héctor, among others.
Watch The Warning (2018) streaming via Netflix
The Warning (2018) is available to watch on Netflix.
Stream blockbuster movies and TV shows on this streaming platform anytime you want including Grace and Frankie, Baby Reindeer, and more.
You can watch via Netflix by following these steps:
- Visit
- Choose a payment plan from the following:
- $6.99 per month (standard with Ads)
- $15.49 per month (Standard)
- $22.99 per month (Premium)
- Enter your email address and password to create an account
- Enter your chosen payment method
The cheapest Netflix Standard with Ads Plan provides all but a few of its movies and TV shows. However, it will show ads before or during most of its content. You can watch in Full HD and on two supported devices at a time.
Its Standard Plan provides the same but is completely ad-free while also allowing users to download content on two supported devices with an additional option to add one extra member who doesn’t live in the same household.
The Premium Plan provides the same as above, though for four supported devices at a time, with content displaying in Ultra HD. Users get to download content on up to six supported devices at a time and have the option to add up to two extra members who don’t live in the same household. Netflix spatial audio is also supported.
The Warning (2018) synopsis is as follows:
“Ten-year-old Nico receives a threatening letter and now his life is in danger. No one seems to believe him except one person that he doesn’t know.“
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.