Wondering where to watch Small Soldiers online? We have all the streaming details right here. Small Soldiers is an action-comedy animated film directed by Joe Dante and starring Kristen Dunst, Tommy Lee, and others.
Here’s where you can watch Small Soldiers online.
Where can you watch and stream Small Soldiers?
You can watch and stream Small Soldiers on HBO Max.
Small Soldiers follows a group of toy action figures, the Commando Elite, programmed with military technology. These fierce but peaceful creatures come to life and battle in a suburban neighborhood. The film explores themes of warfare, consumerism, and the ethics of technology via a visually pleasing animation.
The movie cast includes Kirsten Dunst as Christy Fimple, Gregory Smith as Alan Abernathy, Jay Mohr as Larry Benson, David Cross as Irwin Wayfair, Denis Leary as Gil Mars, and Phil Hartman and Wendy Schaal as Phil and Marion Fimple.
How to watch Small Soldiers and stream online
Small Soldiers is available to watch on HBO Max. HBO Max is a subscription-based streaming service boasting an extensive content library from diverse Warner Media subdivisions. It features movies, TV shows, documentaries, and stand-up comedy.
The official synopsis for Small Soldiers reads:
“When missile technology is used to enhance toy action figures, the toys soon begin to take their battle programming too seriously.“
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.