Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa or Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa is a spin-off anime based on the detective series Detective Conan. It flips the script by following a middle-aged man, Makoto Hanzawa, the enigmatic black-silhouetted character, who always turns out to be the culprit. It focuses on Hanzawa’s perspective as he commits crimes. The series gained a huge fanbase very quickly. Viewers are now eager to know if there will be a Season 2 of the series coming out.
Here’s all we know about Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa Season 2 and whether or not it’s coming out.
Is there a Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa Season 2 release date?
There is no Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa Season 2 release date as there is no official announcement yet about a second season.
The series came to Netflix on February 1, 2023, after airing in Japan from October to December of 2022. Since then, there has been no official announcement about a renewal of the series for a second season. The same goes for another spin-off series of the Detective Conan universe, “Case Closed: Zero’s Tea Time”.
Releasing on Netflix in June, a few months before The Culprit Hanzawa, Zero’s Tea Time has no renewal announcement as well. These spin-off series will most likely remain single-season series without receiving renewals. However, there is a possibility for other spin-offs in the future, but no confirmation about any as of this day.
Why Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa Season 2 might not be happening
Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa Season 2 probably isn’t coming out because of no official announcement in a year.
The official synopsis for Case Closed: The Culprit Hanzawa reads:
“A silhouetted suspect moves to the crime-infested town of Beika with murder in mind, in this spinoff spoof of “Detective Conan.”