One Piece Film Red follows the story of the Straw Hat pirates as they meet Luffy’s childhood friend Uta. Uta is an extraordinary singer whose voice has been considered by everyone to be otherworldly. The Straw Hat pirates, the Navy, and everyone else gather on the island where Uta is about to perform one of the most anticipated concerts in the world. As her intentions are made clear in some shocking revelations, the Straw Hat’s must now find a way out of this troublesome situation.
Here’s how you can watch and stream One Piece Red via streaming services such as Crunchyroll.
Is One Piece Film Red available to watch via streaming?
Yes, One Piece Film Red is available to watch via streaming on Crunchyroll.
One Piece Red is the 15th feature film of the One Piece franchise. It was also the highest-grossing movie in Japan in 2022. With the relationships of Uta, Luffy, and Shanks revealed, the movie further dives deeper into Shanks’ past and its connection to Uta’s present. The crews of Luffy and Shanks unite to battle against a formidable foe that Uta had summoned herself. The amazing animation and the heartfelt storyline make this movie a treat to watch for all the One Piece fans.
Directed by Goro Taniguchi and written by Eiichiro Oda the movie stars Kaori Nazuka voicing Uta along with Shuichi Ikeda as Shanks, Mayumi Tanaka as Luffy, and Kenjiro Tsuda as Gordon.
Watch One Piece Red Film streaming via Crunchyroll
One Piece Film Red is available to watch on Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll, a Sony-owned site, specializes in the distribution and licensing of animated features, feature films, and television shows. It promotes the culture and art of anime.
You can watch via Crunchyroll by following these steps:
- Go to
- Choose your payment plan:
- $7.99 per month (Fan)
- $9.99 per month (Mega Fan)
- $14.99 per month (Ultimate Fan)
- Enter your personal information and select ‘Create Account’
The Crunchyroll Fan plan lets users stream the service’s entire library ad-free, watch new episodes shortly after they air in Japan, and read digital manga.
The Mega Fan plan offers the same service but also lets users stream on up to four devices at a time, allows offline viewing, and provides a $15 discount off $100+ purchases in the Crunchyroll Store every three months.
The Ultimate Fan plan offers all of the above on up to six devices at once, $25 off Crunchyroll Store purchases over $100 every three months, free shipping on all purchases, and an exclusive “swag bag” after 12 months of subscribing.
The synopsis of One Piece Red is as follows:
“Uta — the most beloved singer in the world. Her voice, which she sings with while concealing her true identity, has been described as “otherworldly.” She will appear in public for the first time at a live concert. As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans — excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance — the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.