Madea Goes to Jail is a 2009 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tyler Perry. It follows grandma Madea who lands in jail after a wild car chase. Behind bars, she becomes friends with a young woman who is struggling with addiction. She uses her tough approach to help her get back on track.
Hereâs how you can watch and stream Madea Goes to Jail via streaming services such as Starz.
Is Madea Goes to Jail available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Madea Goes to Jail is available to watch via streaming on Starz.
Madea ends up in jail after a crazy freeway chase. While in jail, she meets a young woman named Candace who is down on her luck. Candace is a former drug addict and also a prostitute facing legal trouble. Even though she is in prison herself, Madea takes charge of Candace and uses tough love and humor to help Candace get back on the right path. Meanwhile, there is a family drama cooking on the outside as Madeaâs loved ones try to deal with her imprisonment.
The movie stars Tyler Perry playing Madea, as well as two other characters Joe and Brian. Keshia Knight Pulliam plays Candace while the film also stars Derek Luke as Joshua Hardaway.
Watch Madea Goes to Jail streaming via Starz
Madea Goes to Jail is available to watch on Starz.
Starz is a premium streaming service that brings forth to its subscribers a vast collection of original series, blockbuster movies, and exclusive content. With a subscription to Starz, viewers can also enjoy unlimited streaming on multiple devices.
You can watch the film via Starz by following these steps:
- Go to Starz.comâs sign-up page.
- Select either the six-month plan or the monthly plan
- The standard rate for the six-month plan is $46, excluding any special offers
- The standard for the monthly plan is $9.99 per month, excluding any special offers
Starz is also available as a Prime Video Channel, meaning that subscribers to the Amazon Prime Video service can also receive discounted access to Starz. The discounts offered vary throughout the year. You can sign up here.
Madea Goes to Jailâs official synopsis is as follows:
âAfter a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case thatâs too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.â
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.