Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 is the seventh installment in this Australian drama series created by Michael Jenkins and Ben Gannon. In this edition, a new girl enters the picture and instantly lands on the radar of Drazic due to her unique characteristics. Draz also decides to shield the identity of a graffiti artist after developing respect for his works.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 via streaming services such as Netflix.
Is Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 is available to watch via streaming on Netflix.
Season seven kicks off with a new girl in the form of Jet, landing her feet in the town. Owing to her feisty and charismatic personality, she ends up drawing the attention of Drazic. She starts off by playing hard to get but eventually gives into the feelings she harbors for Drazic. Elsewhere, Di finds it hard to accept the fact that a graffiti artist is currently showcasing his works in the school.
The drama series puts a capable lead in the limelight, with Callan Mulvey and Putu Winchester occupying the roles of Bogdan and Dennis, respectively. The additional cast includes Rel Hunt, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Nathalie Roy, Mario Gamma, Marcel Bracks, and Lara Cox, among others.
Watch Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 streaming via Netflix
Heartbreak High (1994) Season 7 is available to watch on Netflix. Subscribing to the American-based streaming platform would not only allow the users to stream a hoard of quality content spanning several movies, TV shows, and original programming but also give you the option to upgrade, downgrade, or even cancel the plan at any time.
Heartbreak High (1994)’s synopsis is as follows:
“The ins and outs of the classroom lives of a group of students who attend the fictional Hartley High School in Sydney.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.