Wondering where to watch Drag Heals Season 1 online? We have all the streaming details right here. Drag Heals is a documentary television series focusing on a diverse group of individuals who embark on a transformative journey into the world of drag.
Here’s where you can watch Drag Heals Season 1 online.
Where can you watch and stream Drag Heals Season 1?
You can watch and stream Drag Heals Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video.
As RuPaul sets the foundation for drag queens to come forward with their unique personas and expressions of sexuality, Drag Heals Season 1 now shows a sneak peek into the soul-deep stories of participants.
Drag Heals Season 1 introduces the audience to the flamboyant cast of the show featuring Tracey Erin Smith, Daniel F.K. Fernandes, Rosé Dior, Miles Carney, Spectra Vaganza, Kyle Feistmantl, Lady Kunterpunt, Cyril Cinder and others.
How to watch Drag Heals Season 1 and stream online
Drag Heals Season 1 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video. Prime Video is a popular streaming platform that boasts a vast library of video content. It includes TV shows, movies, and Amazon original productions.
The official synopsis for Drag Heals reads:
“RuPaul brought Drag Race into the homes of millions and made the once taboo art form mainstream. This newfound renaissance has inspired a new generation to explore the art of drag and challenge the constructs of gender.
While RuPaul’s Drag Race is a competition, Drag Heals is a documentary journey that follows men who have never worn heels or make-up but have always dreamed of letting their inner drag queen out. These men (and aspiring queens!) enter Canada’s first ever Drag class to explore how to create a compelling drag persona based on personal experience. For most, this is akin to a second coming out process.
The culmination of the workshops will be a public performance where they will face down their fears of stepping into the limelight. Drag is typically viewed from a distance; Drag Heals gives unparalleled access to the creation of a performance that is more than just your average lip sync.“
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.