Teachers (2016) Season 2 is the second installment in this American sitcom created by the improv group The Katydids. In this edition, Ms. Watson is seen giving a premium online dating service a try, while Mrs. Alder gets assigned to impart her teaching in a mobile classroom. Having handled multiple shenanigans of her students, Ms. Snap realizes that she has been handed the worst bunch of kids in the school. Ms. Snap and Ms. Bennigan also organize a workshop and term it ‘Women Empowering Women.’
Here’s how you can watch and stream Teachers (2016) Season 2 via streaming services such as Paramount Plus.
Is Teachers (2016) Season 2 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Teachers (2016) Season 2 is available to watch via streaming on Paramount Plus.
Season two begins with Ms. Watson trying her hand at a premium dating service. After a forgetful experience, Ms. Snap concludes that she has been put in charge of the worst group of children in the school. Meanwhile, Mrs. Alder gets her next assignment in a mobile classroom. With a trespasser hitting Fillmore, the school decides to pursue countermeasures and hires a new batch of security personnel.
The comedy series packs a talented roster of actors, including the likes of Caitlin Barlow, Katy Colloton, Cate Freedman, and Kate Lambert. The additional cast also features Kathryn Renée Thomas, Tim Bagley, Ryan Caltagirone, and Mary Sohn, among others.
Watch Teachers (2016) Season 2 streaming via Paramount Plus
Teachers (2016) Season 2 is available to watch on Paramount Plus.
The Paramount Global-owned subscription streaming service houses a wide array of content, including movies, TV shows, as well as original programming.
Teachers (2016) Season 2 synopsis is as follows:
“Written by and starring acclaimed comedy troupe The Katydids, Teachers shows their hilariously warped perspective as six elementary school teachers trying to mold young minds, even though their own lives aren’t together.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.