Comedy Chaos, also known as Komedi Kacau, is an Indonesian comedy series streaming on Netflix. The plot revolves around Panca, who is forced to leave his own company and now must carefully deal with his volatile relationship with his wife and his poorly performing comedy club. Season 1, comprising 10 episodes, premiered on February 16, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a Season 2 of the show, then this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Comedy Chaos Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Comedy Chaos Season 2 release date?
Comedy Chaos Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it might be announced in the future.
As of February 2024, Comedy Chaos hasn’t been renewed for the sophomore season. Given Season 1 just premiered, this is expected, as Netflix will likely assess how it performs before making any decision on the future of the series. Some outlets, such as IMDb, designate Comedy Chaos as a miniseries. Even if that is the case, there are a considerable number of examples that, despite being initially developed as miniseries, went on to become multi-seasonal projects. As a result, the possibility of Comedy Chaos Season 2 can’t be ruled out.
The cast includes Raditya Dika as Panca, Susan Sameh as Loli, Joshua Suherman as Ali, Yono Bakrie as Tanto, Pamela Bowie as Intan, Soraya Rasyid as Mayang, Mentari De Marelle as Rosa, Hadian Saputra as Gatot, Temi Diya as Wita, Mo Sidik as Marlo, and more.
Where is Comedy Chaos Season 2 coming out?
Comedy Chaos Season 2 could come out on Netflix.
This is because the first season came out on the same platform. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Season 2 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Comedy Chaos reads:
“After getting kicked out of his own company, a hapless man must juggle his delicate marriage and his struggling comedy club.”