Based on the BBC One series of the same name (2019-2023), Ghosts (2021) is a CBS supernatural sitcom. The plot revolves around Samantha and Jay Arondekar as they move from New York to the country house Samantha inherited from her great-aunt. After being involved in an accident and clinically dead for three minutes, Samantha gains the ability to interact with ghosts and discovers that her new home is filled with them. Season 1 premiered on October 7, 2021, Season 2 on September 29, 2022, and Season 3 on February 15, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a fourth season of Ghosts, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Ghosts (2021) Season 4 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Ghosts (2021) Season 4 release date?
Ghosts (2021) Season 4 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of February 2024, Ghosts hasn’t been renewed for the fourth season. This is expected as Season 3 just premiered, and CBS will likely assess how it performs with the audience before making any decision. The British series it is based on has five seasons, so, there is narrative scope for future seasons. If the third season turns out to be successful, Ghosts (2021) will probably be greenlit for the fourth season.
The cast includes Rose McIver as Samantha ‘Sam’ Arondekar, Utkarsh Ambudkar as Jay Arondekar, Brandon Scott Jones as Captain Isaac Higgintoot, Danielle Pinnock as Alberta Haynes, Richie Moriarty as Pete Martino, Asher Grodman as Trevor Lefkowitz, Sheila Carrasco as Susan Montero, Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn, Rebecca Wisocky as Henrietta ‘Hetty’ Woodstone, Román Zaragoza as Sasappis and more.
Where is Ghosts (2021) Season 4 coming out?
Ghosts (2021) Season 4 could come out on CBS.
This is because the previous three seasons have come out on the same network. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Season 4 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Ghosts (2021) reads:
“Samantha and Jay throw caution to the wind when they convert their recently inherited country estate into a bed-and-breakfast. Call it mislaid plans. Not only is the place falling apart, but it’s also inhabited by spirits of previous residents — whom only Samantha can see and hear.”