Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure is an animated fantasy film for kids that centers around a young girl named Polly with a magic-shrinking locket who goes on a wild island adventure with her friends. Released in 2023, the film was directed by Thom McKenna and Brent Bouchard.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure via streaming services such as Netflix.
Is Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure is available to watch via streaming on Netflix.
The movie follows Polly and her friends as they get transported to the tiny island of Sparkle Cove through her magic locket’s power. Moreover, they go on various fantastical adventures with animal companions. Furthermore, they pass through various obstacles and solve thrilling mysteries. In addition, the movie explores the themes of teamwork, friendship, courage, and self-discovery.
The cast includes the voices of Emily Tennant, Cherlandra Estrada, Shannon Chan-Kent, Michael Daingerfield, Cory Doran, Brian Drummond, Ian Hanlin, and Maryke Hendrikse.
Watch Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure streaming via Netflix
Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure is available to watch on Netflix. Netflix is a subscription-based streaming service that allows you to access a large variety of video content, including movies, TV shows, documentaries, anime, and stand-up specials. Moreover, the content can be easily watched on mobile, laptop, tablet, or other streaming devices.
Netflix offers multiple subscription options for viewers to choose from, such as:
- 6.99 per month (standard with Ads) – This features most of the content available on the OTT platform except for a selective few. You can watch in Full HD and on two supported devices simultaneously.
- $15.49 per month (Standard) – It is the same as the previous option, but is entirely ad-free. It also allows users to download content on two supported devices.
- $22.99 per month (Premium) – This gives access to all the content available on the platform. It supports four devices at once, with Ultra HD. Users get to download content on up to six supported devices at a time.
The synopsis of Polly Pocket Sparkle Cove Adventure is as follows:
“Polly explores an enchanting secret island filled with mysterious wonders, including the pocket crystal that allows her to magically change size.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.