Created by Stephen Dunn, Peacock’s Queer as Folk is a 2022 re-imagining of the namesake British series, which aired on Channel 4 between 1999 and 2000. The new series predominantly takes place in New Orleans and revolves around a group of friends of diverse identities as they deal with the aftermath of a mass shooting at a queer nightclub. The eight-episode first season premiered on June 9, 2022. If you are wondering whether there will be a second season of Queer as Folk, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all we know about Queer as Folk Season 2 and whether or not it’s coming out.
Is there a Queer as Folk (2022) Season 2 release date?
There is no Queer as Folk Season 2 release date as Peacock canceled the series after season 1.
In September 2022, series creator Stephen Dunn took to Instagram to announce that Peacock had decided not to renew the 2022 rendition of Queer as Folk for the sophomore season. “It’s a rare gift in these times, and in this country, to be able to make a show as fearless and unapologetic as Queer As Folk. This experience changed our lives forever and we’re so grateful to have found this incredible new family,” he wrote in a since-deleted post. “We know how much it’s meant to the fans and while we’re heartbroken we won’t get to make more episodes, we wanna thank everyone for watching and falling in love with Brodie, Mingus, Ruthie, Noah, Shar, Julian, Daddius, Bussey, Marvin, Judy and Brenda. We’re so grateful for the chance to honor our community and are so proud of this show.”
The cast includes Fin Argus as Mingus, Candace Grace (CG) as Shar, Jesse James Keitel as Ruthie O’Neil, Ryan O’Connell as Julian Beaumont, Johnny Sibilly as Noah Hernandez, Devin Way as Brodie Beaumont, and more.
Why Queer as Folk (2022) Season 2 isn’t happening
Queer as Folk Season 2 isn’t coming out because, as mentioned above, the series was canceled after one season. ComingSoon will provide an update if the circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Queer as Folk reads:
“The lives of a diverse group of friends in New Orleans are transformed in the aftermath of a tragedy.”