Heartburn (1986) is an American romance drama film. Rachel is a renowned food writer who meets Mark at a mutual friend’s wedding soiree. Rachel and Mark fall in love and get married, only to discover that Mark is unfaithful to her.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Heartburn (1986) via HBO Max.
Is Heartburn (1986) available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Heartburn (1986) is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
Rachel Samstat is a prominent food writer at a company in New York City. Mark Forman is a political columnist at a publishing house in Washington – D.C. Rachel and Mark meet at a mutual friend’s wedding bash. Despite her doubts, Rachel falls in love with Mark as they get married to each other. She struggles to be a wife to Mark in Washington’s high-political society. They have a cute baby girl named Annie. But their marital bliss changes when Rachel discovers Mark is having an extra-marital affair with another woman named Thelma Rice. During this time, Rachel is pregnant with their second child. Rachel leaves Mark and returns to her father’s house in New York City. She goes back to her job as a renowned food writer. Mark realizes his mistake but is late to do so.
Heartburn (1986) movie stars Meryl Streep as Rachel Samstat, Jack Nicholson as Mark Forman, Stockhard Channing as Julie Siegel, and, others.
Watch Heartburn (1986) by streaming via HBO Max
Heartburn (1986) movie is available to watch on HBO Max.
HBO Max is becoming an increasingly popular OTT streaming platform with an extensive library of vintage movies for global cinephiles.
Heartburn (1986) movie’s official synopsis is as follows:
“Rachel is a food writer at a New York magazine who meets Washington columnist Mark at a wedding and ends up falling in love with him despite her reservations about marriage. They buy a house and have a daughter, and Rachel thinks they are living happily ever after until she discovers that Mark is having an affair while she is waddling around with a second pregnancy.”
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