Many fans are curious if it's true that Jodie Foster was almost Princess Leia in Star Wars. Here's everything you need to know.

Star Wars: Did Jodie Foster Almost Play Princess Leia? Why Didn’t She?

While the late Carrie Fisher delivered an iconic performance as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films, some fans are curious if it’s true that Jodie Foster almost got the part. Did Foster turn down the role? Here is everything you need to know.

Did Jodie Foster almost play Princess Leia in Star Wars?

Yes, Jodie Foster reportedly almost played Princess Leia in Star Wars.

In an appearance on Wednesday’s episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, when Fallon told her that he had read on the internet somewhere that she had been originally offered the part, Foster confirmed it and said that she did almost get the role stating that the makers of the film were going for a younger Princess Leia.

Foster then stated that had she gotten the part of Princess Leia, her hairstyle would have been different compared to Carrie Fisher’s two buns on the side hair, stating that her hairstyle would have been a pineapple cut.

This is not surprising as Princess Leia’s actress herself, the late Carrie Fisher confirmed that Foster was up for the part before Fisher’s casting.

Why didn’t Jodie Foster play Princess Leia in Star Wars?

Jodie Foster turned down the chance to play Princess Leia in Star Wars due to scheduling conflicts.

In the interview with Jimmy Fallon, Jodie Foster revealed that she had turned down the role of Princess Leia in Star Wars as she was doing a Disney movie named Candleshoe and did not want to back out of that as she was contracted to do it.

Ultimately, it seems as if everything had worked out for the best, as Carrie Fisher delivered such an iconic performance as Princess Leia that she has become indivisible from the role.

In entertainment elsewhere, Kate McKinnon and Jemaine Clement have joined the cast of the Minecraft movie. Also, Rachel Brosnahan has described how her Lois Lane will be in Superman: Legacy.

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