society of the snow did they eat humans flesh each other cannibals

Society of the Snow: Did They Really Eat Humans? Were They Cannibals?

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Society of the Snow explored a few extreme topics including cannibalism. After watching the film, many viewers were left asking whether the crash victims had to eat humans in real life. Here’s all you need to know.

Did they really eat humans in Society of the Snow?

Yes, the crash victims of the Uruguayan flight had to eat human flesh to survive as seen in Society of the Snow.

After the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crashed on October 13, 1972, quite a few passengers died. However, the survivors did not eat anything for 9 days. They debated whether they should use the other dead bodies for protein to survive. But on day 9, a few survivors gave others the consent to use their bodies for food if they died. Then, they cut up other dead victims privately for food.

Despite having religious beliefs, every survivor had to give in to eating dead bodies in order to survive. Numa resisted it for a long time. But even he had to eat the dead bodies to survive. Daniel and Fito were among the ones who cut the meat in private and gave it to others so they didn’t have to remember their friends while they consumed flesh.

Were the Society of the Snow survivors cannibals?

Yes, the Society of the Snow survivors had to become cannibals in order to survive.

Since Society of the Snow kept events very close to how they occurred in reality, cannibalism became a crucial part of the film as the crash survivors admitted after they were rescued that they had to human flesh to survive. With no source of food or protein in the secluded Andean mountains, they had no choice but to consume the meat of other dead victims. That’s how they were able to survive for over two months.

For more updates, learn if Numa died in Society of the Snow. Also, find out whether Loudermilk got canceled.

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