PJ Masks Season 3, directed by Christian De Vita, is a widely acclaimed animated children’s television series. The show is set in the fictional town of Tarabiscoville, where three young friends—Connor, Amaya, and Greg—transform into superheroes during the night. The trio assumes their alter egos to combat enemies and rivals such as Romeo, Luna Girl, and more.
Here’s how you can watch and stream PJ Masks Season 3 via streaming services such as Netflix & Disney Plus.
Is PJ Masks Season 3 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, PJ Masks Season 3 is available to watch via streaming on Netflix & Disney Plus.
Season 3 originally aired from April 19, 2019, to March 13, 2020, and consists of twenty-six episodes in total. It is produced by Guillaume Hellouin, Corinne Kouper, Caroline Souris, Jean-Pierre Quenet, and Stanislas Renaudeau d’Arc.
The voice cast of PJ Masks includes Addison Holley as Owlette, Juan Luis Bonilla as PJ Robot, Kyle Breitkopf as Gekko, Brianna Daguanno as Luna Girl, Roman Lutterotti as Catboy, Alex Thorne as Romeo, Devan Cohen as Night Ninja, Hattie Kragten as Motsuki, Kari Wong as An Yu, Michela Luci as Octobella, Jonah Wineberg as Cameron, Ethan Pugiotto as Kevin, Shomoy James Mitchell as Newton Star, and more.
Watch PJ Masks Season 3 streaming via Netflix
PJ Masks Season 3 is available to watch on Netflix.
Watch PJ Masks Season 3 streaming via Disney Plus
PJ Masks Season 3 is available to watch on Disney Plus.
PJ Masks’ synopsis is as follows:
“Connor, Greg, and Amaya are normal kids by day, but at night they activate their bracelets, which link into their pajamas and give them fantastic superpowers, turning them into their alternate identities: The PJ Masks. The team consists of Catboy (Connor), Gekko (Greg) and Owelette (Amaya). Together, they go on adventures, solve mysteries, and learn valuable lessons.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.