An Englishman in New York is a biographical film that follows the later life of performer and writer Quentin Crisp in New York. It was directed by Richard Laxton, written by Brian Fillis, and released in 2009.
Here’s how you can watch and stream An Englishman in New York via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is An Englishman in New York available to watch via streaming?
Yes, An Englishman in New York is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
The film opens with the success of Quentin’s memoir, The Naked Civil Servant, and his move to New York from England. Moreover, the film captures the landscape and energy of the city during the 1970s and Crisp’s rise to fame. Additionally, the film concludes with Crisp navigating aging, his decreasing fame, and his strained relationship during the AIDS epidemic.
The cast includes John Hunt as Quentin Crisp, Denis O’Hare as Philip Steele, and Jonathan Tucker as Patrick Angus. Additionally, it also features Cynthia Nixon as Penny Arcade, Swoosie Kurtz as Connie Clausen, and Jeff Appelgate as the journalist.
Watch An Englishman in New York streaming via Amazon Prime Video
An Englishman in New York is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Prime Video is a subscription-based streaming platform that distributes TV series and movies. Moreover, it also hosts third-party content that can be watched on smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other streaming devices.
An Englishman in New York synopsis is as follows:
“Biographical drama based on the last 20 years of Crisp’s life. The literary figure and gay iconoclast emigrated to New York in 1981 and lived there until his death. The film observes Crisp in both his public and private lives, from his seemingly cavalier response to the outbreak of AIDS to his tender relationship with his friend Patrick Angus and his own response to growing old.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.