Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 is the fourth installment in this South Korean animated series written by Choi Jong-il. In this edition, a new member joins the group, with Hana revealing his name to be Peanut. During his initial practice session, Peanut impresses everyone with his exceptional driving skills. All the little buses hype Peanut up for his first work day, but Peanut ends up failing at his first hurdle.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Season four kicks off with our favorite group of buses excitedly preparing for the arrival of a new member. When Hana reveals his name to be Peanut, Tayo starts wondering if his new friend actually looks like a peanut. Now an official member of the little bus group, Peanut enthusiastically waits for his work day. While everyone expects him to ace the job due to his outstanding driving skills, Peanut struggles to operate as a city bus. Meanwhile, Iracha conveys unbelievable stories to cover for his constant lack of punctuality, which may or may not contain the truth.
The series, apart from its wholesome plot, also packs a talented cast. The lead voice actors include Jul Kohler, Patricia Kalis, Tea Wagner, and Aramis Merlin. The supporting cast also shines this time out, with the likes of Christian Wolf, Nolan Balzer, Robyn Slade, and Kami Desilets, among others, acing their performances.
Watch Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. The celebrated streaming platform is home to multiple such mind-bending shows. While subscribing to a plan, potential users are also offered a 30-day trial period.
Tayo the Little Bus Season 4 synopsis is as follows:
“Tayo the Little Bus is a South Korean computer-generated animated television series created by Educational Broadcasting System, Iconix Entertainment, Seoul and Hot Animation which is owned by HiT Entertainment. The Korean-dubbed series began airing on EBS in 2010 and the English-dubbed series aired on Disney Junior in 2012. The latter is also scheduled to air on Disney Channel and Cartoonito in 2013. The narrator of the UK series is Michael Angelis who also narrates the UK series of Thomas & Friends.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.