Viewers of Poor Devil Season 1 are wondering how many episodes are in the series and when each new episode comes out. The animated series follows the journey of Stan, a typical 18-year-old boy whose father is the Devil. Despite being tasked by his father to create chaos and bring about the downfall of humanity on Earth, Stan dreams of becoming a performer on Broadway. The show is directed by Miguel Esteban.
Here’s how many episodes are in Poor Devil Season 1 and on what day new episodes come out.
How many episodes are in Poor Devil Season 1?
Poor Devil Season 1 has 8 episodes.
The episode list is as follows:
- Episode 1: The Antichrist in New York
- Episode 2: So Much Cheek and So Little Chin
- Episode 3: I’m a Bear, I Don’t Watch Movies
- Episode 4: The Worst Day of the Year (El peor día del año)
- Episode 5: Nobody Laughs at Charlie Mango
- Episode 6: I Screwed Up and That’s Why I Lost You
- Episode 7: Greenland
- Episode 8: The End of Boring Days
Season 1 originally aired on February 17, 2023, with all eight episodes dropping on the same day. It is created by Joaquín Reyes, Ernesto Sevilla, and Miguel Esteban.
The voice cast of Poor Devil Season 1 includes Joaquín Reyes as Stan, Ernesto Sevilla as Mefisto, Ben Lepley as Surt, Gakian as Samael, Stéphanie Magnin as Satan, Miguel Esteban as Cancerbero, Laura Martí as Paloma Heater, Boré Buika as Ray, Alex Famos as Arturo, Manuel Huedo as Waslag, Verónica Forqué as Rose, Antonio Della Casa as Boby, Javier Botet as Cacahuete, and more.
When do new Poor Devil episodes come out?
All episodes of Poor Devil Season 1 are currently available to watch. There are no new episodes.
The official synopsis for the series reads:
“Stan just turned 665 months old. One month remains for the prophecy to be fulfilled and he has to fulfill his destiny: plunge humanity into horror and chaos, and bring about Armageddon. But he is more interested in singing and dancing in a Broadway musical.”