The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 is the second installment in this adventure reality series that showcases the escapades of a team of treasure hunters. This time out, the Lagina brothers arrive at Oak Island to continue their pursuit of the truth. An excavation of the infamous Money Pit leads to a surprising revelation that fuels the brothers’ quest for treasure.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 via streaming services such as Disney Plus.
Is The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 is available to watch via streaming on Disney Plus.
The second season opens with the Lagina brothers returning to Oak Island following their previous escapade involving the ancient Spanish coin. Having traced its origins to 1652, the brothers embark on an investigative journey to uncover the truth behind the island’s 200-year-old mystery. They start with the excavation of the infamous Money Pit and stumble upon evidence that points to the treasures from King Solomon’s Temple being buried on the island. Consequently, they search for clues to prove the existence of the biblical treasure.
The long-running reality series features the adventurous duo of Rick Lagina and Marty Lagina, who return to the setup for the follow-up season. Alongside the two brothers, the additional real-life cast includes Craig Tester as well as Gary Drayton. Robert Clotworthy also makes a comeback as the narrator of the show.
Watch The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 streaming via Disney Plus
The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 is available to watch on Disney Plus. The American streaming platform is widely known for the variety of content it harbors. Aside from such celebrated sitcoms, a subscription to Disney Plus will also give you access to the complete oeuvre of Pixar, Lucasfilm, and National Geographic.
The Curse of Oak Island Season 2 synopsis is as follows:
“After dating the Spanish coin they found last summer to 1652, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina return to Oak Island and the strange triangle-shaped swamp to look for more clues to this 200-year-old mystery.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.