The Christmas Detective is a 2023 mystery TV series that follows detectives Kate Bennett and Derek Oakley, who instigate the theft of a snowflake necklace from a prestigious gallery. It is directed by Winnifred Jong, written by Tobin Addington, and released by The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) in 2023.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Christmas Detective via streaming services such as HBO Max.
Is The Christmas Detective available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Christmas Detective is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
The master of unconventional investigation methods, Kate Bennet, finds herself with nothing to do by Christmas time. Moreover, a theft at the Winterfell Art Gallery leads Bennet to team up with Oakley. Both initiate their investigation, delving into social extravaganza, art dealers, and family secrets to unravel a web of betrayal, lies, and deceit.
The TV series cast includes Javicia Leslie as Kate Bennett, Brad James as Derek Oakley, Arnold Pinnock as Gunner Fisk, and Kimberly Huie as Sue Carnegie.
Watch The Christmas Detective streaming via HBO Max
The Christmas Detective is available to watch on HBO Max. HBO Max is a subscription-based streaming service by Warner Media that offers content from Warner Bros., HBO, and CNN and third-party content providers. Additionally, it also releases Max Originals that can be watched on mobile phones, laptops, smart TVs, tablets, and other streaming devices.
The Christmas Detective synopsis is as follows:
“Coming out of a career in pageantry Kate Bennett is struggling to follow her dreams as a private investigator. But when a local art gallery experiences a theft just before its grand opening, Kate will team up with police detective Derek “Oak” Oakley to solve the case before Christmas and finally prove she has what it takes.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.