Wondering where to stream The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 online? Then go no further as we have all the streaming details. The series which has released three episodes up till now features host Annie Starke who cooks delicious meals for their friends and family in their family home in Montana. The fourth and fifth episodes are scheduled to premiere on November 26, and December 3, 2023, respectively.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 via streaming services such as HBO Max.
Is The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
Throughout the episodes, we see Annie Starke preparing delicious meals and sharing her cooking secrets. In the first episode, we see her cooking a chicken coop, her grandma’s cookies, Italian sandwiches, and salad to celebrate her new hen house. In episode two, Annie and her mom, Glenn continue with their meal preparation for the former’s aunt’s birthday including grilled sausage, fresh corn dressing, and a shortcut cake whereas in the third episode, we see her introducing the audience to her various go-to essentials.
The people who make their appearances include Annie Starke, Glenn Rose, Marc Albu, and Jessie Close.
Watch The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 streaming via HBO Max
The Mountain Kitchen Season 1 is available to watch on HBO Max.
The Mountain Kitchen’s synopsis is as follows:
“For Annie Starke, it’s all about great eats and good times as she prepares delicious meals indoors and over the fire at her family’s mountain ranch in Montana.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.