Married…with Children Season 3 is the third addition to this long-running sitcom created by the duo of Ron Leavitt and Michael Moye. This time out, Al finds a copy of an old movie and attempts to return it, only to find the same person he encountered in 1957 at the library. The Rhoades and the Bundys embark on a relaxing weekend trip, but they soon run into an unexpected problem.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Married…with Children Season 3 via streaming services such as Hulu.
Is Married…with Children Season 3 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Married…with Children Season 3 is available to watch via streaming on Hulu.
The third season kicks off with Al Bundy discovering a copy of “The Little Engine That Could” in his possession that he rented back in 1957. When he tries to return it, Al finds that the same fat librarian is still working there as she was in 1957. Peg believes that she has spotted Elvis at the mall, leading to a chaotic situation, while Marcy uncovers a pit stain in one of Al’s shirts. The Rhoades and the Bundys go on a family getaway, but things soon take a turn for the worse when Peg, Kelly, and Marcy get their periods at the same time.
The classic sitcom features comedic veterans like Ed O’Neill and Katey Sagal in lead roles. The additional cast also includes David Garrison, Amanda Bearse, Christina Applegate, David Faustino, Ritch Shydner, and Sue Ann Gilfillan, among others.
Watch Married…with Children Season 3 streaming via Hulu
Married…with Children Season 3 is available to watch on Hulu. The subscription-based streaming service offers a wide library of movies, TV shows, and original programming, including on-demand and live TV options. Hulu is also home to popular titles like Normal People, Atlanta, How I Met Your Mother and more.
Married…with Children Season 3 synopsis is as follows:
“Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle-aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy, his son is dysfunctional (especially with women), and his daughter is dim-witted and promiscuous.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.