The West Wing Season 4 is the fourth installment in this celebrated political series created by Aaron Sorkin. This time out, Toby, Josh, and Donna experience transportation problems after the motorcade leaves them behind during a campaign stop in Indiana. Bartlet and C.J. conduct interviews to find replacements for Mrs. Landingham and Simon, respectively. A tragic incident at a university rocks the nation to its core.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The West Wing Season 4 via streaming services such as HBO Max.
Is The West Wing Season 4 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The West Wing Season 4 is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
Season four begins with Toby, Josh, and Donna getting left behind in Indiana after they accidentally miss the motorcade. As a result, they have a hard time finding their way back to Washington. Simon and Mrs. Landingham leave their respective posts, prompting Bartlet and C.J. to find replacements for them. Meanwhile, the Shareef investigation gets reopened by Qumar. Sam comes to the president’s rescue by temporarily replacing a wounded Josh.
The political drama packs a talented roster of actors, with Rob Lowe and Martin Sheen leading the line as Sam Seaborn and Josiah Bartlet, respectively. The supporting cast also features Allison Janney, Richard Schiff, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Dule Hill, Janel Moloney, and Joshua Malina, among others.
Watch The West Wing Season 4 streaming via HBO Max
The West Wing Season 4 is available to watch on HBO Max. The American streaming platform hosts a variety of content, including movies, TV shows, and documentaries of multiple genres. Aside from titles produced under the Warner Bros. banner, HBO Max also harbors content from Animal Planet, CNN, Cartoon Network, Eurosport, and Adult Swim.
The West Wing Season 4 synopsis is as follows:
“Season four follows the re-election of President Bartlet to his second term and we witness the gripping personal crisis that forces him to choose between the best interests of the country and those of his family.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.