If you’re wondering where to stream the 2014 film Hercules online, then you have come to the right place, as we have all the streaming details. Directed by Brett Ratner, the film centers on the titular lead, Hercules’ collaboration with the King of Thrace, Lord Cotys, who appoints him for the task of training the Thracian army to take on the warlord, Rhesus.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Hercules (2014) via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Hercules (2014) available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Hercules (2014) is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
In this 2014 take on the legendary superhero, Ratner does a brilliant job of showcasing Hercules’ strength in protecting people against tyrannical powers. The movie begins with showcasing Hercules as a tormented soul who, after being forced to carry out the twelve labors and killing his wife and children, seeks companionship in a group of mercenaries with similar doomed fates. After being approached by Ergenia, daughter of King Cotes of Thrace, he is appointed by the latter to put his superhuman strength to use and train the Thracian army against the approaching attack by a vicious warlord, Rhesus. Things take a strange twist when Rhesus, following his defeat, reveals to Hercules the true evil intention of Cotes, who has been using Hercules’ abilities to expand their own power and expansion of territories.
Dwayne Johnson plays Hercules. Other cast members include Rebecca Ferguson, Irina Shayk, Rufus Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Reece Ritchie, Tobias Santelmann, and John Hurt, to name a few.
Watch Hercules (2014) streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Hercules (2014) is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
You need to set up an Amazon Prime Video account by selecting one of the plans that the streaming platform offers to its prospective subscribers and providing your details.
Hercules (2014) synopsis is as follows:
“When a new enemy threatens the innocent, Hercules must lead his fearless team of warriors in a battle against overwhelming odds.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.