Want to know how to watch Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 4 online? Look no further, as we have all the streaming details right here. In Season 1, Episode 4 of Fellow Travelers, the story delves into the government’s increasing oppression of homosexuals, focusing on Hawk’s experience during a polygraph test about his sexual activities while navigating a public relationship with Lucy.
Here’s where you will be able to stream Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 4 online.
Is Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 4 streaming online?
Yes, you will be able to watch and stream Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 4 on Showtime.
Fellow Travelers Season 1 is a captivating political thriller series featuring Matt Bomer as Hawkins Fuller and Jonathan Bailey as Tim Laughlin.
How to watch Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 4 and stream online
As Fellow Travelers Season 1 is available to watch via Showtime, you will be able to watch its episodes by signing up.
Showtime is a subscription-based OTT platform that provides viewers with access to various series and movies.
You can sign up for Paramount Plus with the SHOWTIME plan. It costs $11.99 per month or $199.99 per year and provides complete access to the Paramount Plus library along with complete SHOWTIME content.
The official synopsis for Fellow Travelers Season 1 reads:
“Decades-long chronicle of the risky, volatile, and steamy relationship between the charismatic and ambitious Hawk and the pious and idealistic Tim, two political staffers who fall in love at the height of the 1950s Lavender Scare. Through the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, the drug-fueled disco culture of the 1970s, and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the two men’s fiery affair only intensifies despite the constant threat of being exposed and losing everything.”