The Onmyoji Netflix release date is nearing, sparking anticipation among viewers eager to stream the first anime adaptation of Baku Yumemakura’s novel. Set in the imperial court, it follows Minamoto Hiromasa’s friendship with mystic Abe Seimei as they solve cases from the demonic realm, animated by Marvy Jack, known for projects like the upcoming The Seven Deadly Sins movie and Spice and Wolf anime series.
Here’s when the show is coming out on Netflix.
When is the Onmyoji Netflix release date?
The Onmyoji Netflix release date is November 28, 2023.
Onmyoji is a Japanese Netflix Original anime series, adapting Baku Yumemakura’s novel. The plot revolves around onmyouji Abe no Seimei and Minamoto no Hiromasa defending the Heian-capital kyou from a rival onmyouji, Douson, who seeks the emperor’s downfall.
The cast of the series includes Daisuke Namikawa as Abe Seimei, Shintaro Asanuma as Minamoto Hiromasa, Yui Ishikawa as Tsuyuko, Kenji Hamada as Imperial Prince Atsumi, Daisuke Kishio as Kamo Yasunori, and Rina Satou as Ashiya Doman. Soubi Yamamoto is the series director, and the theme song is performed by Masatoshi Nakano, Miyoko Nakamura, and Toru Kitajima, with writing credits to Baku Yumemakura, Natsu Hashimoto, and Yuiko Kato.
When is Onmyoji coming out via streaming?
Onmyoji is available to watch via streaming on Netflix on November 28, 2023. Viewers will be able to stream it at this time.
Current Netflix members can enjoy the series upon its release, while those who haven’t subscribed yet can join by selecting one of the available payment options offered by Netflix:
- $6.99 per month (Standard with Ads)
- $15.49 per month (Standard)
- $22.99 per month (Premium)
The Onmyoji official synopsis reads:
“In the gilded enclave of the imperial court, Minamoto Hiromasa befriends the mystic Abe Seimei, solving tricky cases rising from the demonic realm.”